JCBEA is a collaborative partnership of businesses, chambers of commerce, education and community organizations created from one common mission of connecting business and education to create an outstanding workforce for today and tomorrow.
JCBEA seeks to develop new career and workforce readiness opportunities for students of Jeffco Public Schools, Colorado’s second largest school district, Red Rocks Community College, and other educational institutions by engaging employers and business leaders in career and technical education for youth and more. Engaging students and businesses in the workforce readiness of our youth is truly an investment in Jefferson County’s economy, and serves to diversify the future leaders of our community.

What high school and college students learn in JCBEA's Career Readiness program:
* Resume, professional letters, and email writing
* What to say in an interview & what to ask
* Social media & online reputation
* Customer service & phone etiquette
* Critical thinking & conflict resolution
* Leadership development
* Financial responsibility & building credit
* Networking & Mentors
* Career choices, goal setting, and confidence!
Students completing all six sessions of the Career Readiness program receive a Certificate that is honored by businesses engaged in JCBEA's "Priority Hiring" program.
The JCBEA wishes to extend special thanks to all of its Partners and Sponsors, and especially the Commissioners and Staff of Jefferson County government for their gracious support.
and ...The Solution, Nostalgic Homes, the City of Golden's Economic Development Commission, the West Chamber, the Arvada Economic Development Association, the Golden Chamber of Commerce, The Head Insurance Group, the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce, the City of Wheat Ridge, C.C. Riff Accounting, the Kiwanis Club of Lakewood, AVA - Connecting Community, Jeffco Schools Foundation, KellerWilliams, the Wheat Ridge Chamber of Commerce, the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, Waddell & Reed Financial Advisors, The Ranch Country Club, JeffCo Students First, BF Borgers Certified Public Accountants, The Village Roaster, Fast Signs, American Facility Services Group, A Master's Hands, Farmers Insurance, The Egg & I, Field Vision Strategies, SportClips Haircuts, Arvada Jefferson Kiwanis Club, Jefferson County Economic Development Corporation, Personal Touch, and Wells Fargo.

Guy Nahmiach explains his great experience teaching a JCBEA course. He explains how JCBEA allows student to see their future and how real that can be.
JCBEA's featured supporter:
Skul Insurance Agency
Located on the corner of 64th Avenue and Ward Rd, in the First Bank building on the 3rd floor, The Skul Agency truly takes a hands-on approach. They help customers like you identify the insurance coverage that best fits your needs. Their agency enjoys making the insurance buying process as straightforward and personalized as possible to help you understand your coverage options--whether that's for auto, home, life, financial services, renters, or business.Give them a call at (720) 974-9320 and they'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.