
Food Truck Friday
JCBEA was the featured non-profit at the Food Truck Friday event last Friday, August 24th, held at the Lamar Street Center in Arvada. What a great time we had! If you have never been to the Lamar Street Center, it is incredible. They have vintage cars and motorcycles throughout the event center, with more in their car museum. We were blessed to also have a host of classic cars appear at the event for everyone to ogle in the parking lot. They then lined up for a classic car parade through Olde Town Arvada.

Employment in Jeffco
You read about it all the time – our unemployment rate is down, the economy is strong, and businesses are hiring again. Nowhere can that be truer than here in Colorado. But with that good news comes challenges that business owners also face, and those challenges relate to the workforce.

What do Students Say about Career Readiness Opportunities?
Holly, an Executive High School Intern, had the opportunity to attend a Jefferson County Business Education Alliance Board of Directors meeting while serving as an intern to the West Chamber of Commerce. Her insights, below, are why we are so dedicated to providing students with employment training opportunities.